COVID-19 Questionnaire St. Anthony’s Ministries First Name (required) Last Name (required) Ministry / Activity Men’s MinistryWomen’s MinistryLectorsReligious EducationChoirKnights of the AltarKnights of MaryMYOMYAother Do you have a fever or above normal temperature? YesNo Have you experienced shortness of breath or had trouble breathing? YesNo Do you have a dry cough? YesNo Do you have a runny nose? YesNo Have you recently lost or had a reduction in your sense of smell? YesNo Do you have a sore throat? YesNo Have you been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? YesNo Have you tested positive for COVID-19? YesNo Have you been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results? YesNo Have you traveled outside of the US in the past 14 days? YesNo I fully understand and acknowledge the above information, risks and cautions regarding a compromised immune system and have disclosed any conditions in my health history which may result in a compromised immune system. By submitting this document, I acknowledge that the answers I have provided are true and accurate. Relationship to the member SelfParentGrandparentGuardianSiblingLegal representative Name if not the member